Viewing Slumdog Millionaire was tough for me. I just really didn't want to do it. I realized too late that it had an R-rating, which I typically do not view due to moral beliefs. However, I didn't want to make a fuss about it with only a few days left to view the film. It was my own fault for waiting so long.
After watching the movie, I was pleasantly surprised. There was no nudity, fairly mild language, and the violence was hardly worse than the violence in The Lord of the Rings movies (that are PG-13 and I love). I'm not quite sure how it required an R-rating, to be honest.
In general, I liked the movie. (Although, I still say that the best part is the dancing at the end credits. AMAZING!) I appreciated that it showed how knowledge can be gleaned in uncommon ways. Traditional education does not alway succeed, but real life experience can often give individuals more knowledge than they need. I also liked that it really was a "feel good" movie. Another interesting aspect was the fact that it was a hybrid film, meaning that it had both American directors and Indian directors.
I actually disliked the love-interest aspect of the film. I think it may be that I'm coming at it from a Western sensibility, but destiny did not seem like enough of a pull for me to become involved in their relationship. I wish that there had been slightly more interaction between Latika and Jamal so that I could become invested in that aspect of the film.
The hard part now is writing an essay about it.